Kunneman, Brenda

Daily Decrees for Family Blessing and Breakthrough: Defeat the Assignments of Hell Against Your Family and Create Heavenly Atmospheres in Your Home -- by Brenda Kunneman

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Decree your victory and defeat Hell’s schemed against your family!

In an age where our families are under attack from all sides, you have a sure strategy to secure Heaven’s victory over your marriage, children, and household: boldly decree the Word of God!

Bestselling author and dynamic prophetic voice Brenda Kunneman has equipped Believers around the world to decree Heaven’s victory over every area of their lives. In Daily Decrees for Family Blessing and Breakthrough, she empowers you with powerful, Bible-based prophetic declarations to overcome every strategy of the enemy that comes against your marriage, your children, your finances, and your household.

Decreeing God’s Word over your family can restore years the enemy has stolen, bring freedom, and surround your loved ones with a supernatural shield. In this powerful resource you will learn to…
  • Create heavenly atmospheres in your household.
  • Demolish strife, discord, and contention using the Sword of the Spirit.
  • Defeat every strategy of hell aimed at your marriage, children, and finances.
  • Decree Heaven’s promises of salvation over loved ones who are far from God.
Take authority over your family! Don’t let the devil win another victory. Rise up with the Word of God on your lips and decree Heaven’s promises over every area of your family life!

Product Details

Paperback: 208 Pages
ISBN/UPC: 9780768458220
Publisher: Destiny Image

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About the Author

Sean SmithBrenda Kunneman pastors Lord of Hosts Church, in Omaha, Nebraska, with her husband, Hank. She is a writer and teacher, who ministers nationally and internationally, seeing lives change through the prophetic word and ministry in the Holy Spirit, coupled with a balanced, relevant message. Together, she and her husband also host a weekly TV program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, on Daystar Television Network.

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1 Review

  • 5

    Daily Decrees

    Posted by Gina Martin on 5th Jul 2022

    Such a useful tool to live a victorious Christian life.

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