Elmer, Anne

Transported by the Lion of Judah -- by Anne Elmer

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This book will cause most who read it to be motivated, some for the first time, to understand God's heart for His Church from HIS PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE.

The Apostle Paul was caught-up and shown things so spectacular, he wasn't even allowed to tell some of them. Phillip was transported in the Spirit from the baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch to another city. John the Revelator was told to "come up here," so that God could show him things to come.

And still today, hundreds, if not thousands, of God's people are continuing to have "caught up" experiences where God shows them marvelous revelation for the Church. Anne Elmer never saw it coming. But before she knew it, the Lord was transporting her all over the earth, in multiple experiences, to see God's people from many different groups, and in many countries, but no longer from her perspective.

Transported By the Lion of Judah will cause most who read it to become motivated? some for the first time? to understand God's heart for His Church from HIS perspective.

Transported By the Lion of Judah is also available in audio book on CD, MP3 audio book, and as a PDF E-Book.

To view more books about Dreams and Visions - click here.


Steve ShultzPaul, the Apostle, was "caught up" into a "transported" experience, as was John the Revelator, probably more than once.

One time, Jesus tells John, "Come up here!" Another time, Paul speaks about being caught up to the third heaven, "whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell" (2 Cor 12:2). Paul had no idea if this experience was of him being taken OUT of his body or simply taken IN his Body, to another place.

Nevertheless, one way or another these men were CAUGHT UP and shown wondrous things, some of which they were allowed to tell others about. This is happening to people all over the earth today.

You are about to be offered the opportunity to read about another such account by a good friend of mine, Anne Elmer, currently living with her husband in France, but raised in the U.K.

Experience first hand through this riveting account, this amazing narrative as Jesus, who came to Anne in the form of "The Lion of Judah," entirely changes her life and church perspective.

Jesus transported Anne, a lonely hospital-bound woman, over and over again -- from her place of infirmity into one "trip" after another to finally see the Church. He showed her, through the eyes of Jesus, "The Lion of Judah" Himself, many soon-to-be Believers outside the Church, as well as many Believers she may have otherwise judged harshly.

Prepare to have your view of "The Church" changed forever, and I mean it! This is the first story and experience ever to be published by THE ELIJAH LIST in hard copy. Trust me when I say that you will not want to miss reading this.

"Why?" you may ask.

Let me ask you a few questions:

  • Do you ever suffer from judging people and then wish you knew how not to judge so harshly?
  • Do you ever wonder if even one of your prayers are heard when you intercede over an ungodly building or geographical area?
  • Do you ever wish you understood more about how God looks at Believers or even UN-believers who are in a dry place spiritually, while wanting to be in a better place?

If you answered yes to one or all of these questions, then this book is for you! The cost is just $9.99, but the life-changing, paradigm-shifting stories are priceless!
—Steve Shultz, Founder of The ElijahList


Derene Shultz"I was riveted as I read this true story. Anne's story of her visitations from the Lion of Judah is awesome. The lessons that she learned on the trips that the Lion took her on have changed my perspective on many things - especially concerning the Church and judging God's people. I would recommend this book to young and old alike. You will love it!"
—Derene Shultz, Albany, Oregon



Teresa Neumann"Anne Elmer's riveting series of divine visitations by the Lion of Judah are nothing short of phenomenal. Having heard her account first-hand several times, I am still undone each time I hear it. Now published, readers will find these visitations C.S. Lewis-ian in cadence and symbolization and yet deeply personal and enormously relevant for the Body of Christ today. Anne's own life - born in Britain and transplanted by design to a village near Versailles - is an open book of integrity and servant hood which make an endorsement of this publication a joy and privilege. Ride along with Anne on the back of the King as He takes you to churches around the world, removing veils, freeing hearts and minds, and convicting the cold-hearted...I guarantee you will fall in love with Him all over again."
—Teresa Neumann, Albany, Oregon


Tawny Shultz "Anne, and her husband Malgwyn, are true servants of the Lord. Their loving-kindness and humbleness have greatly impacted my life. When I heard this account first-hand from Anne, and then later reading it, my life has been touched, and my perspective of the Father has really changed?ùincluding about His love for me, and for the Church. You will truly get a deeper revelation of the Lion of Judah, the almost unbelievable kindness of the Father, His patience and goodness towards each person on earth?ùboth the saved and the unsaved. And yet, in the midst of His kindness, He is still Almighty, Powerful, and Sovereign. This story demonstrates that everything happens according to HIS will, and His PERFECT timing. Be prepared to be encouraged, have your 'God perspective' changed, and your love to grow!"
—Tawny Shultz, Albany, Oregon


"Transported by the Lion of Judah is truly a prophetic word from the Lord to the Body of Christ for today. Don't take off in a 'rabbit trail' by trying to determine whether or not Anne Elmer was actually transported, and miss the powerful message that the Lord will give you through this book. The significance of that is so minimal compared to God's message. This book helped me more than any other to see and understand the love that the Lord has for people as He looks at their hearts and motives. God is so much less rigid and more tolerant than I have seen Him or than the 'church' has taught Him to be - and certainly more than I have learned to be. This book brought me into repentance of my own intolerance and rigidness of other denominations, and people in general, who are seeking God. I was surprised to see how much hardness I had in my heart. Being a 'good Christian' for many years, I knew it was wrong to be unloving to people in other denominations and outside the Church. I had only deceived myself. I will never look upon people the way that I have in the past - Praise God! Through the renewing of my mind, I have seen a more loving God than I have ever known Him to be. As the time nears for Christ to return for His bride without spot or blemish, He is calling us to obey His command to truly love one another, as He loves us."
—Carol Ruda, Salem, Oregon


"I was absolutely amazed when reading chapter 13. Although this 'church' was set in Denmark, it was the exact same situation, of a church on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia where I have been going. I had been 'sent' from 60 miles away, two times per week, 'to lift Jesus Higher' from within this place, for a period of over 3 years.

Although it has been an absolute pleasure before God, it has been sad and difficult, even heartbreaking, on the ground. Here I felt deeply moved and 'saw' the precious 'church' I have been attending for so long, and am now in CERTAIN anticipation of the Lord's own marvelous work. Not that I doubted, but now I am POSITIVE. It is exactly the same. Exactly!

I do indeed Praise the Lord, for what He has shown me is indeed in process. What He has shown Anne is indeed in process. God, Himself, shall indeed redeem His people. His church shall indeed arise on eagle's wings. He shall indeed deal with the matter for His victory and His glory. Praise His Holy Name. Blessing and Honor, Glory and Power, be unto Him who sits upon the throne.

Blessings and Love in Him who first loved us. Agape."
—M. Austin, Queensland, Australia

Excerpt from Transported By the Lion of Judah

"In contrast to the Singapore church, which had previously been a Buddhist temple in Jakarta, we visited a place which was still dedicated to Buddha. The first thing I saw there was a huge statue of Buddha twenty-times the size of a man. Many people were sitting cross-legged on the floor meditating. They were totally absorbed in what they were doing, and no one took any notice of us.

The Lion was more tense than I had ever seen Him and we walked together all round the outside wall on the inside of the building. The walls were lined with intricately carved wood, but I didn't take much notice of the details, I was too intent in staying with the Lion and watching Him. I knew we were on enemy territory. He was growling quietly all the time, as if daring any of the enemy spirits to come near. He told me that He has the right to be there, for two reasons. First, because He is the Sovereign Lord, and the world does in-fact belong to Him! Second, because of all the Christian tourists and missionaries over the years who have visited this place and prayed. They have prayed for the people who are so deceived, prayed for those who are really searching, and prayed for an entry for Him, so that this temple would become the home of the Living God, and Christ would be revealed here. What I was witnessing was the beginning of the fulfillment of the prayers of many generations!

After the tour of the room, the Lion left me at the back, and I watched as He began to walk among the people, licking some, breathing on some, and brushing up against others. He told me that these were the ones who were genuinely searching and He was drawing them to Himself. Each day He draws them closer, and many of them will come to know Him over the next year. The time is short, and we will see the beginning of the final harvest very soon..."


  1. The Background
  2. Annonay
  3. Spirals on the Wall
  4. Learning to Laugh
  5. The Dying Lady
  6. Falling in Love
  7. The First Journey
  8. Picnics
  9. The Igloo Church
  10. Across the World
  11. The Roaring Lion
  12. Non-Christian Gatherings
  13. The Pride Problem
  14. Walking and Dancing
  15. More About Annonay
  16. The "Whys and Wherefores"
  17. The Working Christian
  18. The Last Word

Product Details
Paperback: 103 Pages

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About the Author

Originally from the north of England, Anne Elmer and her husband have lived for the last 30 years in France where they run a small Christian publishing company. They have 3 children and 11 grandchildren.

Anne's heart is for unity among believers and to see every Christian living up to their potential in Christ.



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157 Reviews

  • 5

    This excellent little book was delightful to read. Anne's stories of her travels with The Lion of Judah have stirred me to more passionately pursue a love relationship with my King.

    Posted by Rosemary Baggott on 3rd Apr 2019

    Thank you!

  • 5

    Great Book

    Posted by John Ross on 27th Mar 2019

    this book has powerful revelation and content!

  • 5

    Riveting and inspiring

    Posted by Susannah Benjamin on 31st Jul 2018

    Transported by the Lion of Judah was a very interesting and inspiring read. I loved the authenticity and the simplicity in the language.

  • 5

    A Fascinating Read!

    Posted by Sandy on 12th Jul 2018

    I read this book in one sitting. It was fascinating and helped me to 'see' the heart of our Lord. I also felt relieved and touched that the author says that Jesus showed that He is 'not worried' - because He is in control and will show up for the lost - sooner or later. This book revealed His genuine love for humanity. I loved this book!

  • 5

    The LOVE of God, and our place as His servants.

    Posted by Alfred Neufeldt on 3rd Jul 2018

    4. “Transported by the Lion of Judah” by Anne Elmer is a book that I lend to friends, and I also bought a copy for our church library. The Lord Jesus, as the Lion, transports Anne to many churches in as many different countries, showing her the Body of Christ in its many forms. She helps us feel the LOVE that He has for all peoples.

  • 5

    Definite “Must Read”

    Posted by Cynthia Hosmer on 22nd Jun 2018

    This is an amazing true story. It helped create a shift in my understanding about how much Jesus loves the unsaved as well as the saved. I’ve ordered more books to hand out in our Book Club. It’s a definite “must read”!

  • 4


    Posted by Carol Moffett on 6th May 2018

    So different from other stories I have read about people going to heave or having visions or visitation from Jesus!

  • 5

    Our Lion of Judah visualized makes a wonderful picture!

    Posted by Unknown on 20th Apr 2018

    I have purchased more than one of these to give away because it spoke volumes about His great love for His children and inspires an ever-growing love in our hearts also!!

  • 5

    Unique and Worth Rereading

    Posted by Stephen Beetz on 19th Apr 2018

    I admit I thought this book a bit weird initially, but as I got into it I couldn't put it down and read it in one afternoon. It opened my "eyes" to God's great love in new ways and even changed the way I pray. I've now read it 4 times in the last year or so and since I'd given away my first copy I just recently ordered 2 more. I HIGHLY recommend it!

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